I have just finished watching the episode 'Sunday' and wish so much that ep has never happened as it meant we then got Keller shoved down our throats by the writers
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Does anyone know of any stories where Rodney and John are together and Weir tries to split them up. This could be because she wants John herself or she is homophobic. I dont care how bad her character is portrayed.
Hi, I lost my link to the Great Lemon Chicken Stories. I am also looking for any other newer stories where Rodney, or even John, just decides to throw in the towel because of everything and start over back on Earth. Or maybe another planet.
I just read Surprise by Setcheti http://archiveofourown.org/works/3719191 where Rodney succeeded in rescuing Sheppard despite his lack of adequate training and loved it. I want to know if there are any other fics where Ford or another member of the military failed to provide
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I'm looking for fics where Elizabeth has it in for Rodney and makes his life miserable. I don't mind gen, but I would prefer McShep and a happy ending.
Please may I request any fics anyone can recommend wherein Caldwell actually admits that John is the better military leader for Atlantis? Exrtra marks for McShep and looong ones.
Alternatively, how about fics where Caldwell and John argue or even fight over the leadership?